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Production and Use of X-Rays

Session 26: X-Rays

Production and Use of X-Rays

  • 5.0
  • 317+ Enrolled
  • Production & Use of X-Rays

    Production & Use of X-rays (Quantum Physics) is explained in this session.

    The following concepts are explained:

          ♦ Production of X-rays by the Bremsstrahlung Effect

          ♦ Cathode Rays in X-ray machine

          ♦ X-ray Imaging - Darkening of Photographic Plate by X-ray

          ♦ Quality of X-ray Image - Sharpness & Contrast of an X-ray Image

          ♦ Factors affecting Contrast of an X-ray Image

          ♦ Attenuation of X-rays in Matter

          ♦ Linear absorption coefficient of a medium

          ♦ Half-value thickness (x-1/2) of a medium

          ♦ Equation for Emerging Intensity (I) of X-ray

          ♦ CT Scanning


    Notes are also available in the document section

  • Session 26: X-Rays

  • Excercise Files

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