Demo video

Oscillations - Part 3 - SHM

Oscillations - Part 3 - SHM

Session 40: Oscillations - Part 3 - SHM

Oscillations - Part 3 - SHM

  • 5.0
  • 400+ Enrolled
  • Oscillations

    Part 3 -  Energy Changes in SHM .

    Explanation of the chapter Oscillations is continued in this session. 

    Energy Changes in SHM is explained, covering the following concepts:

         ♦ Variations in Ek, Ep and ET with displacement (x)

         ♦ Variations in Ek, Ep and ET with time  (t) 
         ♦ Graph of Ek, Ep and ET  against displacement (x)
         ♦ Graph of Ek, Ep and ET against time  (t) 
         ♦  Calculation of Eand Ep
         ♦  Calculation of velocity and acceleration given energy of oscillator
         ♦  Examples

    The exercise file section contains notes on Energy Changes in SHM

  • Session 40: Oscillations - Part 3 - SHM

  • Excercise Files

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