Demo video

Alkenes - Part 1

Alkenes - Part 1

Session 27: Alkenes - Part 1

Alkenes - Part 1

  • 5.0
  • 464+ Enrolled
  • Alkenes

    Part 1 

    In this session, the chapter Alkenes is explained.

    The following concepts are covered:

         ♦ Features of alkenes

         ♦ Structural Formula of alkenes

         ♦ Straight-chain and branched chain isomers of alkenes

         ♦ Manufacture of Alkenes

         ♦ Catalytic Cracking
         ♦ Products of Cracking
         ♦ Importance of Cracking
         ♦ Examples of Alkenes and their structure
    The exercise file section contains notes on concepts discussed in this session.
  • Session 27: Alkenes - Part 1

  • Excercise Files

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