Demo video

Redox - Part 1

Redox - Part 1

Session 36: Redox - Part 1

Redox - Part 1

  • 5.0
  • 579+ Enrolled
  • Redox - Part 1

    Rules of Oxidation States

    The following concepts are explained in this session:

         ♦ Oxidation State of an Element

         ♦ Oxidation State of an Ion
         ♦ Oxidation State of in Compounds
         ♦ Oxidation State - Examples
         ♦ Oxidation State of Polyatomic Ions
         ♦ Oxidation State in Redox Reactions
    The exercise file section contains notes on Redox - Part 1
  • Session 36: Redox - Part 1

  • Excercise Files

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