Demo video

Kinematics - Part 1

Kinematics - Part 1

Session 8: Kinematics - Part 1

Kinematics - Part 1

  • 5.0
  • 422+ Enrolled
  • Kinematics

    Part 1 - Graphs

    You will learn about the chapter Kinematics in this session. 

    The following concepts are explained:

          kinematics formulae for displacement (s), velocity (u and v) and acceleration (a) in terms of time t.

          s-t graph, v-t graph, a-t graph of a moving body explained.

          equations of motion

          convention of signs in displacement directions

          meaning of area under v-t and a-t graphs

          example to illustrate the concepts discussed in this session


    Notes are available in the document section

  • Session 8: Kinematics - Part 1

  • Excercise Files

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