Demo video

Ratio Analysis

Ratio Analysis

Session 10: Ratio Analysis

Ratio Analysis

  • 5.0
  • 302+ Enrolled
  • In this session, the chapter ratio analysis has been discussed. The chapter consists of

    • Definition of ratio
    • Types of ratio
    • Profitability ratio: Gross profit margin

                               Profit margin

                              Return on capital employed

                              Expenses to revenue ratio

                             Operating Expenses to revenue ratio

    • Liquidity Ratio: Current ratio

                                     Quick ratio

    • Efficiency ratio: Trade Receivable turnover .

                                   Trade Payables Turnover

                                  Inventory turnover

                                 Rate of inventory turnover

                                Non-current Asset turnover

    The notes and homeworks have been uploaded in the exercise section.




  • Session 10: Ratio Analysis

  • Excercise Files

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